Monday, October 20, 2008

Marathon Failure!

Well, I think this goal of achieving a marathon by 40 is not going to happen. I gave up! Sad!!! At mile 21 of the Breakers Marathon this weekend in Newport, RI (at 4 hours hours exactly - per my Garmin) I threw in the towel. I can't believe it! I can give you numerous excuses - but basically I just gave up - I did not have it in me! Let me just say - "you marathoners out there, wow, hats off to you!"

I really thought that I could do it, mentally. But my body just couldn't do it, though my mind gave up too. It just was not meant to be.


Kristina said...

Hi Jen--so sorry to hear about your disappointment this weekend. I have been there, too, and as members of the DNF club, we both know that after all of the training, not finishing is way harder than finishing. Your body makes a decision at that moment, and it's not a reflection on your will or preparation at all. We set these numeric goals--26.2 miles, age 40, etc.--but your intense training showed age is a number not a destiny. You will do this distance. If you can do the training, you can do the race. The marathon is always a gamble, and we sometimes have an off day.
Even Paula and Deena have a DNF in the marathon, so you're in good company. You're so lucky to have learned this lesson in humanity before you turned 40 :)

Frayed Laces said...

Oh man, so sorry to hear that! Chin up, chicka...your race will come!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

thanks for stopping by my blog... sorry to hear about the marathon. although i haven't gotten to the point of training for one yet, i would like to one day, so i have the same admiration of marathoners that you do...

don't be hard on yourself... stay positive, and keep working towards your goal... completing a marathon, regardless of age. :) take care